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So, is there no end to this journey? There definitely seems to be no end in sight. There are so many people to meet and enjoy, so many places to fall in love with, and so much to share and learn. So I continue to move with the winds; I continue to entice the winds to follow me.

So, one of the things about this experiment in love and motion and travel is that I have—against my will—assumed the challenging variable I like to call 'being broke'. So, that means I am doing this crazy trip while living, ahem, very frugally. For example, my slutty pants that used to be tight aren't tight anymore—that kind of frugal, you know?

So, what does this mean? Well, staying in a hotel every night is out of the question. I am looking for nice, fun people who can put me up for a few nights and really host me. This would involve me staying at your house for a few days, showing me a good time (since I like good times), feeding my stupid mouth (in an attempt to make my pants fit me again), and whatever general mischief we can get into. And, the best part is that I get to learn about your life and write about our times together! That is part of the experiment, see. I am meeting with people I've never met before and living some life with them. If you think it might be fun to host me for a day or two or three, email me at justingrace AT mac DOT com.

Please make sure to include your address and phone number in your email to me so I can be in touch!

I am especially looking for places to stay in the southeast USA and everywhere on the East Coast. I will be traveling all over the USA, though, so email me no matter where you are because I will probably come visit! Here are the places I will be in the next few weeks that I am still looking for a place to stay at:

� Alabama
� Tennessee
� North/South Carolina

Please contact me ASAP if you want to hang out! Oh, and make sure to check out my photo sales page! Buying photos from me feeds me and keeps me on the road!

US Tour Day 114: Back in Florida, Library

I'm back in Tampa (Dunedin, to be more specific) after a very long day of flying around in airplanes. Marion Schwagler picked me up from the airport.

I was starving for some cheap Chinese food, but we had to postpone my dodgy dining adventure long enough to go pick up Monica from her job at the library.

We arrived a few minutes early. While waiting for her to finish up her shift, I entertained myself by filling out those 'your opinion counts' cards.