2013-05-07 - Way Back When 2010-12-02 - I'm back! 2010-11-23 - Quote of the day 2010-11-20 - The Future 2001-12-13 - My car and how it smells 2001-12-04 - Sex and stuff 2001-11-28 - Leaving Crescent City 2001-11-29 - Rain 2001-11-26 - Dogs Part II (Thanksgiving weekend) 2001-11-15 - Goodbye, old friend 2001-11-13 - Dogs 2001-11-12 - Glamour Shots 2001-11-08 - Driving Dangerously 2001-11-02 - I realized as I drove to work today 2001-10-31 - Movies, pee, moving, lava, etc. 2001-10-26 - Anal probes 2001-10-23 - Taco Bell mp3 2001-10-23 - The mall is supider than we ever believed possible 2001-10-23 - Screen Saver or Desktop Image 2001-10-22 - Will it really make me taller? 2001-10-18 - The Opera 2001-10-11 - Mail pervert 2001-10-10 - At home 2001-10-09 - Glad I don't have to use my hands like they do there 2001-10-09 - Finally, cookies! 2001-10-09 - It cost us about 00 to see Sigur Ros 2001-10-05 - Tollef and anthrax 2001-10-03 - What my coworkers think of me 2001-10-03 - Mornings feel terrible 2001-10-02 - Hot Cookies 2001-10-02 - I was going 90 MPH. 2001-10-01 - What do we do all day?